Date Range
Date Range
Date Range
Zakaj nisem član nobene stranke? Pred časom sem po nekaj letih iskanja našel stranko, ki je imela program odlično usklajen z mojim svetovnim nazorom in poklicem. Na prvo mesto je postavljala problematiko avtorskega prava. Česar druge stranke sploh niso omenjale. Pritegnilo me je seveda tudi zavzemanje za transparentnost, deljenje in zasebnost. Na tribuni neke druge stranke je član vodstva stranke pod.
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We Keep Your World in Focus. Premier provider of expert Intelligence Analysis. These are our core competencies. And even though we are a relatively new company, collectively we have been around this business for many years. Our analysts bring invaluable insight and knowledge to a discipline that can only truly be understood by someone that has been there. News travels fast in this community and our work ethic, dedication to our customers and our reputation for excellence is getting around.
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